Data Cleaning In SQL
In This Project we clean Housing Data in SQL server

In This Project we clean Housing Data in SQL server
Data Exploration Of Covid 19 Dataset in SQL Server
Utilized Python to analyze revenue data and identify patterns and trends to inform business decisions. Collected and cleaned data from various sources, including transaction logs, customer reviews, and online bookings... Using Python libraries such as Pandas and Matplotlib, performed exploratory data analysis to identify key revenue drivers and revenue-generating opportunities. Also created visualizations to communicate these findings to stakeholders.
Developed a Power BI dashboard to analyze revenue data and identify patterns and trends to inform business decisions. Collected and cleaned data from various sources, including transaction logs, customer reviews, and online bookings... Using Power BI, created interactive visualizations that enables stakeholders to explore the data and gain insights into revenue drivers and revenue-generating opportunities. Also incorporated KPIs and performance metrices to track progress against revenue goals.
Using Excel's pivot tables and charts created a dashboard for analysing trends and patterns in sales data of a motorcycle company